Frequently asked questions

Wie funktioniert
How does the process of a booking work?
  1. First register. After that you will be able to book items and services
  2. Search for an item you are interested in
  3. Select a time frame for the booking
  4. Wait for the booking to be accepted. Pay booking fee and deposit (this will first be transmitted to our account and both parties will be payed out after successfull booking process. For exceptions see other answers in this faq)
  5. Commit the commencement of the booking when you meet for pickup or begin of the service
  6. Enter commencement code on the offerer's device at the place where you can take your item or fulfill the service. Only enter the code, when you have done the service or received the offer/item. Exchange your ID's (take a photo) in order to avoid fraud
  7. Take item with you or fulfill your service
  8. Demand a settlement code when the time of return is near or you are finished with your work
  9. Enter at the place where you recieved your item or took the service
  10. You will get your deposit back and the offerer gets the rental fee
How does renting or offering a service work?
  1. First register yourself to create offers and services for rent.
  2. On the link 'Offers' you can create a new offer or service.
  3. If somebody books your article or service we will notify you and you can see the reservation under 'Reservations'. You have the option to accept or deny a booking request, depending on if you accept your earnings and the date of reservation. Applied service-fees will also be listed here.
  4. If you accept the booking the date will be blocked so that you will not receive any requests on the same timespan. Furthermore your renter can now transmit the booking-fees and deposit.
  5. On the day the bookings starts the renter visits you and enters his code on your device. You should exchange your identities and check the item, so that you have a common sense about the state of the article to avoid later missunderstandings. If the code has been entered the article or service can be obtained.
  6. On the day the booking runs out, the renter returns your item and enters again his code on your device. Before that check the article again. If there is something wrong please see the questions below to know what options you have.
  7. After your renter has entered the code you can initiate the payout of your earnings. During that you need once register at which is our payment provider. He does the same thing as paypal and transfers your earnings to your entered bank account.
  8. Furthermore you can now rate your experience with the user.
How much will be charged if I use
Fees will be charged only during the payout of your earnings. The service fee will be clearly visible in you reservation overview. A situation in which you need to pay more than you earn for renting will not occur. At we have 2 kinds of fees. On one hand we have transaction costs that our payment-provider stripe charges us. Those are 30 cent per rental + 2,9% of the transaction value. On the other hand we currently charge 10 - 15% of the rental price.
Where will the money be transferred to?
We use the payment provider Stripe for handling payments. Stripe is comparable to PayPal and has its headquarter in London. Using this service specialized on online payments, we have the advantage to not have save your payment details on our platform.
Why do I need your system to book anything?
You can do it personally, but gives you the advantage that it is easier for you to find and organise items or offer services and it protects you better from fraud than if you would rent from a stranger. If that would even happen because he would not simply give you his item and you wouldn't give him a deposit. So even if you don't know each other offers you a way to share your goods. So don't hesitate and be friendly on
Why do I need those codes?
The codes are a verification for us that the process is finished. Each time a code is entered both parties should recheck the item. They can then decide if they are really willing to enter their codes to complete the process
What happens if the commencement code is not entered?
In that case the one who booked and payed the item will receive all his money back except for the service fee. So if you are the one who is booking it is better to get the item on time
What happens if the settlement code is not entered?
In that case after two days, the one who was offering the item gets the deposit. This can happen in some cases for example if an item gets damaged and the offerer doesn't want to take it back. It can also happen if somebody runs away with your item if that happens and if you are not happy with the deposit you still have the persons id which you exchanged and the contact address on the website. Contact your local police for further action
What happens if my item is not returned?
In that case the person who booked your item won't be able to enter his return code on your computer and you will receive your deposit from us. If it is stolen from you it is the same as if somebody would steal your car or your bike. But at least you got payed for that and you got the id of the other person so you can get straight to the police and get that son of a ...!
What happens if my item is damaged?
You have the option to deny the person to enter his return code if you do you will receive the deposit, but the other might keep your item. Anything else needs to be discussed personally between you and the borrower
What is the result if even the return never happens because my item was stolen?
Should it come to that, the return will timeout 2 days after booking time frame end as wating period. After that the booking will be settled in such a way that you as the offerer will receive the deposit. Everything else needs to be clarified with your police
Why does my chat say 'content hidden'?
Privacy is most important to us. As long a user has does not have the serious intention of booking an offer from you sensitive contact information will by hidden by our system. Once the user has sent a booking for your offer which is already paid the chat becomes fully uncensored. Nevertheless you can clarify everthing important for your meeting with our chat